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All Researchers of University of California, Santa Barbara

Name of Researchers
Present Affiliation Period/ *Survey Date Researchers' Name Academic Title Research Field
2022/00/00~ 池内 須摩
(Suma Ikeuchi)
Associate Professor Anthropology, Ethnology, Ethnography , Migration, Ethnicity, Race , Religious Studies
2018/07/01~ ポール R スピッカード
(Paul R. Spickard)
Affiliated Faculty, Distinguished Professor Migration, Ethnicity, Race , Sociology, Social History
2015/07/00~ ジョセフ ブランクホルム
(Joseph Blankholm)
Associate Professor Philosophy, Thought, Ethics , Religious Studies , Sociology, Social History
2011/00/00~ ケイト マクドナルド
(Kate McDonald)
Associate Professor Cultural Studies , History
2009/07/01~ デビッド ノバック
(David Novak)
Associate Professor Art
1996/00/00~ ローリー A フリーマン
(Laurie A. Freeman)
Associate Professor Media Studies , Political Science
*2024~ ドミニク スティーヴ=バリント
(Dominic Steavu-Balint)
Associate Professor Buddhist Studies , Religious Studies
*2024~ ウィリアム フレミング
(William Fleming)
Associate Professor Art , Literature
*2024~ ファビオ ランベリ
(Fabio Rambelli)
Professor Buddhist Studies , Intellectual History , Religious Studies
*2024~ ルディ ブスト
(Rudy Busto)
Associate Professor Religious Studies
*2024~ トーマス カールソン
(Thomas Carlson)
Professor Philosophy, Thought, Ethics , Religious Studies
*2024~ ウィリアム エリソン
(William Elison)
Associate Professor Religious Studies , Visual Culture
*2024~ キャスリーン M ムーア
(Kathleen M. Moore)
Professor Buddhist Studies , Law , Religious Studies
*2024~ エリザベス ペレス
(Elizabeth Pérez)
Associate Professor Religious Studies
*2024~ クリスティン トーマス
(Christine Thomas)
Professor Archeology , Material Culture , Religious Studies
*2022~ ツヨシ ハセガワ
(Tsuyoshi Hasegawa)
Research Professor History , International Relations
*2022~ ジェシカ ナカムラ
(Jessica Nakamura)
Associate Professor Art , Material Culture , Visual Culture
*2022~ ルーク S ロバーツ
(Luke S. Roberts)
professor History (of Japan, Japanese)
*2022~ ミリアム ワトルズ
(Miriam Wattles)
Professor Emeritus Art , Visual Culture
*2022~ ナオキ ヤマモト
(Naoki Yamamoto)
Associate Professor Art , Cultural History
*2021~ ヨウコ ヤマウチ
(Yoko Yamauchi)
Lecturer Japanese Language Education
*2021~ ジョン ネイサン
(John Nathan)
Professor Emeritus Literature
*2021~ チカコ シナガワ
(Chikako Shinagawa)
Emeritus Lecturer Japanese Language Education , Linguistics
*2021~ アキヨ カートレル
(Akiyo Cantrell)
Lecturer Japanese Language Education
*2021~ サビーネ フルスチュック
(Sabine Frühstück)
Professor Anthropology, Ethnology, Ethnography , Cultural Studies , History (of Japan, Japanese)
*2021~ キャサリン サルツマン=リー
(Katherine Saltzman-Li)
Associate Professor Art , Literature
*2021~ ヒロコ スガワラ
(Hiroko Sugawara)
Emeritus Lecturer Japanese Language Education