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All Researchers of University of Kansas

Name of Researchers
Present Affiliation Period/ *Survey Date Researchers' Name Academic Title Research Field
2016/00/00~ シェリー ファウラー
(Sherry Fowler)
Professor Art , Buddhist Studies
*2022~ エリック・C・ラス
(Eric C. Rath)
Professor History (of Japan, Japanese)
*2021~ マーガレット チャイルズ
(Margaret Childs)
Associate Professor Emerita Japanese Language Education , Literature
*2021~ エレイン ガーバート
(Elaine Gerbert)
Associate Professor Emerita Anthropology, Ethnology, Ethnography , Visual Culture
*2021~ ユカ ナイトウ ビレン
(Yuka Naito Billen)
Assistant Teaching Professor Japanese Language Education
*2021~ マキ カネコ
(Maki Kaneko)
Associate Professor Gender, Sexuality , Migration, Ethnicity, Race , Visual Culture
*2021~ マイケル バスケット
(Michael Baskett)
Associate Professor Art
*2021~ ウィリアム ロバート リンゼイ
(William Robert Lindsey)
Associate Professor Religious Studies
*2021~ ウタコ ミナイ
(Utako Minai)
Associate Professor Linguistics
*2021~ アヤコ ミズムラ
(Ayako Mizumura)
Lecturer, Academic Director Comparative Cultural Studies , Sociology, Social History
*2021~ アキコ タケヤマ
(Akiko Takeyama)
Director, Professor Gender, Sexuality , Sociology, Social History