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All Researchers of Michigan State University

Name of Researchers
Present Affiliation Period/ *Survey Date Researchers' Name Academic Title Research Field
2024/08/16~ マイケル ツール
(Michael Toole)
Assistant Professor Gender, Sexuality , Visual Culture
*2023~ アキコ イマムラ
(Akiko Imamura)
Assistant Professor Japanese Language Education , Linguistics
*2023~ ナオコ ワケ
(Naoko Wake)
Professor Gender, Sexuality , Migration, Ethnicity, Race
*2023~ アンナ ペグラー=ゴードン
(Anna Pegler-Gordon)
Adjunct Professor Migration, Ethnicity, Race , Popular, Mass Culture
*2021~ デビッド ハンフリー
(David Humphrey)
Assistant Professor Literature , Popular, Mass Culture
*2021~ キャサリン リュウ
(Catherine Ryu)
Associate Professor, Director Literature , Popular, Mass Culture
*2021~ フィリス フロイド
(Phylis Floyd)
Associate Professor Art
*2021~ リアム マシュー ブロッキー
(Liam Matthew Brockey)
Professor History
*2021~ イーサン セーガル
(Ethan Segal)
Associate Professor Economics, Business , History (of Japan, Japanese)
*2021~ ムツコ エンドウ ハドソン
(Mutsuko Endo Hudson)
Professor Linguistics
*2021~ ミカ ヤマグチ
(Mika Yamaguchi)
Assistant Professor Japanese Language Education
*2021~ ヤスマサ コモリ
(Yasumasa Komori)
Associate Professor Economics, Business , International Relations
*2021~ ジョン グレード
(Jon Glade)
Assistant Professor Literature