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All Researchers of University of Turin

Name of Researchers
Present Affiliation Period/ *Survey Date Researchers' Name Academic Title Research Field
2021/12/28~ ソニア ファーヴィ
(Sonia Favi)
Ricercatore/Ricercatrice a tempo determinato di tipo B History (of Japan, Japanese)
*2021~ タカエ コバヤシ
(Takae Kobayashi)
Lettore Japanese Language Education
*2021~ ジャンルカ コチ
(Gianluca Coci)
Professore associato Literature
*2021~ エマヌエーレ シッカレラ
(Emanuele Ciccarella)
Professore associato History (of Japan, Japanese)
*2021~ アンナ スペキオ
(Anna Specchio)
Professoressa a contratto Literature
*2021~ モニカ デ トグニ
(Monica De Togni)
Professoressa associata History (of Japan, Japanese)
*2021~ マッテオ チェスターリ
(Matteo Cestari)
Professore associato Religious Studies , Philosophy, Thought, Ethics
*2021~ ダニエラ モーロ 
(Daniela Moro)
Professore/Professoressa associata Literature