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All Researchers of University of Delhi

Name of Researchers
Present Affiliation Period/ *Survey Date Researchers' Name Academic Title Research Field
1986/07/00~ ユニタ サチダナンド
(Unita Sachidanand)
Associate Professor, Head Gender, Sexuality , Literature
*2021~ バラチャチャンディラン ゴビンダサミー
(Balatchandirane Govindasamy)
Associate Professor Economics, Business
*2021~ ラジブ ランジャン
(Rajiv Ranjan)
Associate Professor Political Science , Philosophy, Thought, Ethics , Intellectual History
*2021~ ランジャナ ナルシンハン
(Ranjana Narsimhan)
Assistant Professor Literature
*2021~ ナビン クマール パンダ
(Nabin Kumar Panda)
Assistant Professor Japanese Language Education , Education
*2021~ ランジャナ ムコパディヤーヤ
(Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya)
Associate Professor Buddhist Studies , Religious Studies