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All Researchers of Ateneo de Manila University

Name of Researchers
Present Affiliation Period/ *Survey Date Researchers' Name Academic Title Research Field
1997/00/00~ ロドルフォ フェリックス ギレルモ R ナルシソ
(Rodolfo Felix Guillermo R. Narciso)
Instructor Economics, Business , Education , Japanese Language Education
*2021~ ベンジャミン A. サンノゼ
(Benjamin A. San Jose)
Assistant Professor International Relations , Political Science
*2021~ ヒロコ ナガイ
(Hiroko Nagai)
Assistant Professor Anthropology, Ethnology, Ethnography
*2021~ カール イアン U チェン チュア
(Karl Ian U Cheng Chua)
Director History (of Japan, Japanese) , Sociology, Social History