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All Researchers of University of Guadalajara

Name of Researchers
Present Affiliation Period/ *Survey Date Researchers' Name Academic Title Research Field
*2024~ ルベン カシジャス
(Ruben Casillas)
Professor International Relations , Political Science , Popular, Mass Culture
*2019~ カルロス マヤ アンビア
(Carlos Maya Ambia)
professor Political Science , Economics, Business , Sociology, Social History
*2019~ クリストバル コリニョンデ アルバ
(Cristobal Collignon de Alba)
Associate professor History , Popular, Mass Culture
*2019~ 岸 大介
(Daisuke Kishi)
Professor, Researcher History (of Japan, Japanese) , Japanese Language Education , Linguistics
*2019~ メルバ E. ファルク レジェス
(Melba E. Falck Reyes)
Professor Economics, Business , International Relations
*2019~ 仲宗根 貴子
(Takako Nakasone)
Academic Assistant. Coordinadora de Ensenanza de Japones Japanese Language Education , Sociology, Social History