ID | 20383 | |
所在地 (Address) |
日本(Japan) | |
名前 (Name) |
現地語 (Local Language) |
Terumi Imai-Brandle |
日本語 (Japanese) |
今井 てるみ | |
English | Terumi Imai-Brandle | |
関連ウェブサイト (Related Websites) | | |
研究分野 (Research Field) |
言語学 | |
Linguistics | ||
研究分野の時代区分 (Focused Period of Research) |
no data | |
研究関心 (Research Interests) |
現地語 (Local Language) |
language variation and change (particularly phonetic/phonological variation), language attitude, and perceptional dialectology; -acoustic analysis of younger and older female Tokyo speakers' vowel quality; -phonetic, phonological, and sociolinguistic analysis of Japanese vowel devoicing |
日本語 (Japanese) |
言語のバリエーションと変化(特に音声/音韻の変化)、言語の態度、および知覚の弁証法。 ー東京の若い女性と古い女性の母音の質の音響分析。日本語の母音無声化の音韻、音韻、および社会言語学的分析 | |
English | language variation and change (particularly phonetic/phonological variation), language attitude, and perceptional dialectology; -acoustic analysis of younger and older female Tokyo speakers' vowel quality; -phonetic, phonological, and sociolinguistic analysis of Japanese vowel devoicing | |
現況 (Current Status) |
現役(Active) | |
日文研経歴 (Affiliation to Nichibunken) |
No | |
「国際日本研究」コンソーシアムに所属 (Affiliation to the Consortium for Global Japanese Studies) |
No | |
ORCID iD | ||
関連資料URL Source URLs |
備考 Notes |
更新日 Last Updated |
2024/02/01 |
Present | Affiliation Period/ *Survey Date | Name of Workplaces | Academic Title |
〇 | 2022/05/00~ | 国立国語研究所 国立国語研究所 (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL), National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL)) |
プロジェクト非常勤研究員 |
*2021~2021/08/00 | ウィテンバーグ大学 国際言語文化学科 (Wittenberg University, Department of World Languages and Cultures) |
Associate Professor |