ID | 22214 | |
所在地 (Address) |
韓国(South Korea) | |
名前 (Name) |
現地語 (Local Language) |
감 영희 |
日本語 (Japanese) |
カン ヨンヒ | |
English | Gam Young hee | |
関連ウェブサイト (Related Websites) | | |
研究分野 (Research Field) |
文学 | |
Literature | ||
研究分野の時代区分 (Focused Period of Research) |
800-1200 | |
研究関心 (Research Interests) |
現地語 (Local Language) |
일본고전문학, 일본의 대학대중화 시대의 교육활동과 자기평가 - 입학자 선발제도.방법의 연구를 중심으로, 다이쇼시대와 헤이안말기 여성의 정조의식의 변화 - 야부노나카와 곤자쿠의 비교를 중심으로 |
日本語 (Japanese) |
日本の古典文学、日本の大学大衆化時代の教育活動と自己評価 - 入学者選抜制度。方法の研究を中心に、大正時代と平安末期の女性の貞操意識の変化 - 藪の中と今昔の比較を中心に | |
English | Japanese Classical literature, Educational Activities and Self-evaluation in the Era of University Popularization in Japan - Focusing on Research on Admissions and Methods, Changes in the chastity consciousness of women in the Taisho period and the late Heian period - Focusing on the comparison between Yabunonaka and Konjaku | |
現況 (Current Status) |
現役(Active) | |
日文研経歴 (Affiliation to Nichibunken) |
No | |
「国際日本研究」コンソーシアムに所属 (Affiliation to the Consortium for Global Japanese Studies) |
No | |
ORCID iD | ||
関連資料URL Source URLs |
備考 Notes |
更新日 Last Updated |
2022/03/22 |
Present | Affiliation Period/ *Survey Date | Name of Workplaces | Academic Title |
〇 | *2021~ | 東明大学校 人文社会学部 日本学科 (Tongmyong University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Japanese Studies) |
교수 |