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All Researchers of The University of Melbourne

Name of Researchers
Present Affiliation Period/ *Survey Date Researchers' Name Academic Title Research Field
*2023~ マリィ クレア
(Claire Maree)
Professor Gender, Sexuality , Linguistics , Popular, Mass Culture
*2023~ 折山 香弥
(Kaya Oriyama)
Lecturer Linguistics
*2023~ 大橋 純
(Jun Ohashi)
准教授 Linguistics
*2022~ ヤスヒサ ワタナベ
(Yasuhisa Watanabe)
Senior Lecturer Japanese Language Education , Linguistics
*2022~ 中根 育子
(Ikuko Nakane)
Associate Professor Linguistics
*2021~ 小川 晃弘
(Akihiro Ogawa)
Professor Anthropology, Ethnology, Ethnography , Sociology, Social History , others
*2021~ 大石 奈々
(Nana Oishi)
Associate Professor Migration, Ethnicity, Race
*2021~ ジョン グレード
(Jon Glade)
Lecturer Literature
*2021~ ステイシー スティール
(Stacey Steele)
Associate Professor Law